
Jiang Xin

Personal Information:

Xin Jiang, Lecturer

Department of Economics

College of Economics & Management

NorthwestA&F University

Yangling, 712100, China

Office: 508

Email: jiangxin722@163.com


Ph.D., June 2011, Economics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

Msc., April 2005, International Finance, University of Essex, Colchester, UK

B.E., July 2002, Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

Employment and Professional Experience:

2011. 07-Present, Lecturer, Department of Economics, College of Economics & Management, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

2004. 12-2005. 12, Clerk, Loans Administration Department, Bank of East Asia, Xi’an Branch

2002. 07-2003. 07, Clerk, Asset Management Department, Foshan Plastic Co. Ltd


International Trade, 13010, Undergraduate Level, 2011 Fall

Selected Publication:

1. An Empirical Research to the Compensation to the Value of Energy Resources in the North of Shaanxi Province. China Population Resources and Environment, 2009, 19(3): 24-27.

2. Application of Tradable Emission Permits in Europe. China Population Resources and Environment (English Version),2009, 7(2): 71-75.

3. The Transmission Channel of Dutch Disease in Energy Rich Districts. Modern Economic Discussion, 2009, (5): 105-107.

4. Resource Curse and Economic Growth. Guizhou Social Science, 2009, 234(6): 87-93.

5. A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Dutch Disease. Modern Economic Science, 2010, 32(4): 74-82.

6. A New Empirical Study on the “Resource Curse” in China. China Population Resources and Environment, 2010, 20(10): 129-136.

7. A Research to the Theory of Exhaustible Resources Value and Its Use in Evaluating the Value of Energy in the North of Shaanxi Province. Resources Science, 2010, 32(11): 2200-2209.

8. A Study on the Effect of Natural Resources Endowment to Specialization and Trade. East China Economic Management, 2011, 25(6): 63-67.